Keystone, South Dakota

Home of Mount Rushmore and So Much More

Elections FAQs

      The Town of Keystone municipal elections are held in April at the Keystone Community Center Meeting Room located at 1101 Madill Street.


 Am I eligible to vote?

To be eligible to vote the following must be:
  • United States citizen
  • Reside in South Dakota
  • Be at least 18 years old on or before the next election
  • Not currently serving a sentence for a felony conviction which included imprisonment, served or suspended, in an adult penitentiary system
  • Not be judged mentally incompetent by a court of law

Registration deadline:

    • The deadline for registration is 15 days before any election. Your card must be received by the auditor by this deadline if you are to vote in the next election.

  How do I register to vote?

You may register at the following locations:
       *City finance office
       *County auditor's office
       *Driver's license station
       *Public assistance agencies providing food stamps, TANF or WIC
       *Department of Human Services offices which provide assistance to the disabled
       *Military recruitment offices
       *Mail-in registration with cards from the county auditor's office

Where to find voter registration form:

To register:
Complete the entire registration form by printing the requested information.
If you are currently registered to vote, please also fill out the cancellation on the bottom of the form.
Return the form to the County Auditor in your county of residence.
You will receive a notice from your county auditor that your registration has been received. If you do not receive this notice within 15 days, please contact   your county auditor.

 How do I vote absentee?

Request absentee ballot by telephone:   Town Hall 605-666-4827

                                           by mail:    Town of Keystone   PO Box 689    Keystone, SD 57751

                                          by email:

 Where do I vote?

The municipality voting is conducted in the meeting room of the Keystone Community Center at 1101 Madill Street.
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